Learn to allow healing energy to flow through your hands – physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Heal yourself, friends, pets and the planet with a simple, effective, natural method of healing and stress release.
Strengthen your flow of chi to boost your meditative practice, mood and vitality.
Reiki courses are structured from beginner to master level. All courses have manuals, guided meditations, practice time, interactive discussions, and certificates of completion.
This class is approximately 4 hours long and includes Reiki introduction, principles and basic practices, guided meditations, demonstrations, and practice time.
What makes Reiki II different from Reiki I? The 3 Reiki II symbols, meaning and use. Techniques and application for emotional and distance healing. This class is approximately 4 hours long with hands-on practice using the symbols, guided meditations, demonstrations and interactive discussion.
This one day intensive class will guide you to your next level of Reiki, which will increase and focus your healing power. Learn the Holy Fire III Master symbol and advanced Reiki placement.
*Pre-requisite - Reiki I and II.
This class will guide you into a deeper understanding of Reiki and its practices. Completion of this training will enable you to teach all levels of Holy Fire lII Reiki including Karuna 1, 2 and Master in person as well as online. The class is two days separated into 4 hours each day.
*Pre-requisite - Reiki Master Training.
This class will guide you into the Mastery Level. Healing in the River of life experience gives you the ability to teach all classes in person, as well as online. The class is two days separated into 4 hours each day.
*Pre-requisite - Reiki I, II and ART/lll
In this 4-hour course, you will deepen your understanding of Archangel Metatron and his unique service to Earth. During this class, you will work with Archangel Metatron and activate his Cube.
Join Jacquie in this group meditation as she creates a space for restoration, re-alignment, and relaxation.
Join Jacquie for a bi-weekly empowerment circle that will support you as you navigate the changing times.
Gain clarity and peace of mind to live your best life.
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